Beautiphi – applying nature’s foundational geometry of PHI

Appearance Medicine Professionals

Beautiphi - applying nature’s foundational geometry of PHI

Think of an enhanced version of your natural self with improved symmetry, a radiant complexion and glowing beauty. We can help you achieve this, simply and effectively.

Appearance Medicine Professionals

Beautiphication – we bring you the mathematical system used throughout the centuries to understand and develop the proportions of natural beauty – science and nature come together and work to enhance your beauty.

The ‘golden ratio’ number phi exists in nature in many forms, offering a mathematical understanding of the ideal proportions for symmetry – it has also been used by painters, designers, and more recently, in the world of cosmetic enhancements and rejuvenation.

Beautiphication is a facial mapping procedure that guides your cosmetic professional in the ideal principles of beauty, symmetry, and harmony for each individual client, following the system of “divine” proportions.


It's important, especially in these times, to look after your inner health.  Whether it be reducing anxiety with adrenal support supplements, or indulging your internal organs and skin with new collagen peptides - we have a wellness and immunity boosting supplement range for you.


Once you repair your inner structures, the next part of beauty is all about skin.  Beautiphi has 2 collagen-boosting machines, which works to repair skin - they are amazing with scarring and achieving skin texture perfection.  Combination therapies are shown to make the biggest impact, so we work with our Beauty Therapist to layer treatments.

Appearance Medicine

At Beautiphi we want to help you achieve your goals and give you confidence in these trying times.  We bespoke Appearance Medicine treatments to give you the structure and texture you choose, for the look that you want - proportion, balance and confidence.

Cosmetic Medicine Treatments

Dermal Fillers
Infrared light therapy - Beautiphi
LED Heatlite II
The Secret
Dermal Fillers
Clear Complexion
Pan-Asian Aesthetics
Hair Rejuvenation
Age Jet Plasma-Beautiphi
Age Jet Plasma
In Shape
Air-Brush Plasma
The Perfect Face

The Perfect Face

Greeks associated beauty with the Golden Ratio, representing The Perfect Face with balanced proportions. Dr. Steven M. Marquardt’s “Golden Mask” highlights how some faces, such as Angelina Jolie’s, fit this ratio well, while others, like Brad Pitt’s, do not align perfectly. This concept shows the mathematical basis for perceived beauty.

Latest advancement in the world of injectables.

Moisturize your skin from the inside – with Profhilo

Think of Profhilo as a super-hydrating and moisturizing formula that works inside your skin to build collagen, to hydrate, and to plump. This gives your skin an airbrushed, naturally smooth look and result.

Specialty 3D Camera Comparisons

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All Modalities

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Liquid Facelift

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Liquid Facelift

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Nose, Chin and Lips

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Liquid Facelift and Nose

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Liquid Facelift

Appearance Medicine & Skin Care Blog

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